Styling anchor link with CSS
In the name of Allah the most merciful and the most gracious
When I've started learning CSS I've faced many issues in CSS and I could not solve those issues after a long time and studying and watching tutorials and searching for useful websites to learn CSS as a professional fortunately I've succeeded and realized the secrets of CSS. Now if you are a beginner and want to learn CSS like me I recommend you to read this blog about styling anchor link with CSS which is a very cool and informative tutorial. So let's started! As we know anchor tags or links are inline tags which means they just occupy their place not more.
As you see in the above picture shows three different tags
- inline tag
- inline-block tag
- block tag
At default anchor, tags are inline tag which occupies their own place not whole the line but block tag occupies the whole line as you saw in the above picture and the middle one is the inline-block tag which is in the middle and has the characteristics of block tag and inline tag.
For more information refer to:
for styling inline tags we use
Remember this technique. display:inline-block overwrite the default display and converts it into inline-block.
Inline tags do not accept padding and margin. Styling anchor tag
<a href='link'>Click Here</a>
CSS Part
Here is the result